
Black Friday Sale - 40% Off

Black Friday Sale - 40% Off


2025 Has Its Own Gravitational Pull For Success

Here’s How to Align Your Life With It & Finally Achieve the Big Goals You Deserve

Starting Now, Press Play Below...

To get the most out of the year invest before:


You Have Big Goals On Your Mind For 2025
Is This The Year Where Everything Clicks?

Every year has it’s own energetic rhythm.

Let 2025 work for you by aligning your goals with its energy

2025 is a ‘9’ year hidden forces of the unconscious are at play

Let go of the struggle

Embrace the transformation

Experience the flow that comes from living in harmony with the year’s energy

Ready For Your Life To Change?

Every year since 2011, I’ve created a workshop based on the Energy and theme of the new coming year to help guide Intuitive-Sensitives to work with the energy of the year to access invisible insights, make aligned decisions, and finally achieve the success they’ve been striving for.

Your Personal Blueprint for 2025

Unlike one-size-fits-all approaches, this is your customised path to success

Future-proof your success

Step into 2025 with complete confidence, knowing your actions are perfectly synchronized with the year's unique energy and opportunities. No more second-guessing – just aligned, purposeful progress.

Eliminate overwhelm

While others drown in endless options and information overload, you'll have laser-sharp clarity on exactly where to invest your time and resources. Cut through the noise with confidence.

Custom-fit strategies

Experience insights through your unique lens. Our revolutionary approach adapts to your individual perspective, making every strategy and insight personally relevant to your journey.

Maximize your impact

Stop wasting energy on scattered efforts. Know exactly where to channel your focus for maximum impact, ensuring every action moves you closer to your goals with minimal resistance.

Turn chaos into clarity

Transform information overload into crystal-clear action steps. Our unique framework helps you process and prioritize opportunities with confidence and ease.

Future-Ready Mindset

Develop the psychological edge needed for 2025's challenges and opportunities. Stay ahead of trends while others struggle to catch up.

Do you struggle with finding your purpose?

Do people call you too sensitive?

Do random strangers tell you their life history?

Do you crave depth in your life but feel surrounded by superficial people?

Do you spot things before they happen?

Are you the go-to person?

Are you excited and waiting for something but you're not sure what that something is?

"I am much less in fear, much more in my courageous heart. I am more accepting of my feelings, and definitely living by intuition."

Marina Duskov

If I hadn’t taken that decision to step into transformation, I feel certain I would still be coasting today. I would be doing a job but not loving it. I would not be aware of my strength and I would be stuck in ‘why me?’ thinking.

Cecile Plouy


Your Unconscious Mind Will Either Attract Or Repel Health, Wealth and Relationships - It Is Time YOU Control The Outcome

Your Sensitivity 
Inner Work 

Create Positive Health, Wealth and Relationship Patterns In 2025

2025 & YOU Course

Inner work will give you a successful life &
Heidi will be your guide on this journey to making
2025 your best year yet


2025 & YOU Course

Your Physical & Emotional Health in 2025

One Paradigm Shift Packed Video + One Guided Exercise + One Deep Process Meditation specifically focused on your Health in 2025

This Your Physical & Emotional Health in 2025 has been valued at £57.

Increasing Your Positive Wealth Patterns in 2025

One Paradigm Shift Packed Video + One Guided Exercise + One Deep Process Meditation specifically focused on your Wealth in 2025

This Increasing Your Positive Wealth Patterns in 2025 has been valued at £57.

Enhance Relationships & Partnership Opportunities in the '9' Energy of 2025

One Paradigm Shift Packed Video + One Guided Exercise + One Deep Process Meditation specifically focused on your Relationships in 2025

This Enhance Relationships & Partnership Opportunities in the '9' Energy of 2025 has been valued at £57.

World Predictions

I will send you a bonus session of World Predictions for 2025. This is the one where I correctly predicted Trump, Brexit, floods, fires and something everywhere (which turned out to be Covid) from China, so you’ll definitely want this one.

This World Predictions bonus has been valued at £57.

Personal Life Code Predictions

Just shy of 500 of you completed a survey with a few questions about the year ahead. 78% said they wanted a personal prediction to help negotiate the year ahead.

This Personal Life Code Predictions bonus has been valued at £57.

Ask Me Anything

I will be hosting an open Q&A session exclusively for buyers of this course. Buyers are able to ask me anything they wanted about 2025. Things like; How will my relationships pan out in 2025? What can I expect if I want to change work? Will my wealth patterns change for the year ahead? You will be amazed at how helpful my answers are.

This Open Q&A bonus has been valued at £57.


1-2-1 Personal Mapping Session Opportunity

I have opened some spaces for those who complete the 2025 & You course. You’ll have 20mins with me 1-to-1. I have only ever done these MAPPING SESSIONS for my £1,000 a month clients, but they absolutely LOVE them because it helps to bring them focus and clarity.

This personal mapping session bonus has been valued at £167 but if you ask any of my clients they would say these sessions are priceless.

Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet In 3 Easy Steps

Guidance From Heidi

All Of The Thinking Has Been Done For You. Just Press Play.

Journal Activity

Quick, deeply impactful, and thought provoking.

Deep Process Meditation

Guided meditations optimised for right brain activation.

Our Risk Free Guarantee

We're confident in the value of our course and want you to feel completely comfortable with your investment. That's why we offer a hassle-free satisfaction guarantee:
You have until January 31, 2025, to fully explore the course and decide if it meets your needs.

What's Included In FREE USync Access?

Access To The Usync Program

It was early on in Heidi's career she started to write and record meditations that were not just about relaxing, they were journeys of lasting change.

Each meditation was designed to take you from a low point of feeling trapped, abandoned or overly sensitive into a high point of transformation, all within using the power of the mind.

Today, she has hundreds of these processes, all of which she has used for her personal metamorphosis.

Now, these are available to you all in one place.

This bonus has been valued at £141.

Open Q&A Call

I will be hosting an open Q&A session exclusively for buyers of this course. Buyers are able to ask me anything they wanted about 2025. Things like; How will my relationships pan out in 2025? What can I expect if I want to change work? Will my wealth patterns change for the year ahead? You will be amazed at how helpful my answers are.

This Open Q&A bonus has been valued at £47.

What Our Customers Are Saying About The Results of Their Journey

​“It is amazing how my life has altered just by knowing how to respond to people. I used to react all the time. I was in a very unhappy situation and had been for years. Just by being shown how this map works and the Life Codes of the people in my life I suddenly had the courage to change what didn’t work for me. Now I am very, very happy with the changes.”

Gail Kingston, Tree of Life ‘trainee’

"My clothing has loosened and my choice of food/eating habits are changing without being consciously following an eating plan."
​Mandy LC1/10

"Since I started doing your meditations online with my number 8 codes - off cigarettes; off drink (as in alcohol), off junk food and for some reason I don’t miss any of them or have a craving like I’ve always had before."
​Nuala LC8

"Little consistent gains I.e My friends gave me an extra 11 days to have as a free gift to use spa/fitness and I’ve been given free flowers for two weeks running."
​Marina LC1/10

"I am much calmer around others. There is more space in each moment because the chatter in my head is calm. I am much more clear."
​Elizabeth LC3

"My relationship with my son changed overnight."
​Sadie LC7

"Without any effort on my behalf I have been asked to step in on short notice to play a part in a theatre production, while my friend has to have an operation. I have wanted to be part of this theatre group for over a year (they are very popular, and very good) and there has literally been no room for newcomers. Then a phone call, out of the blue, and I'm in. No jumble sale elbow battle required."
​Sarah LC7

"Since I started doing your meditations online with my number 8 codes - off cigarettes; off drink (as in alcohol), off junk food and for some reason I don’t miss any of them or have a craving like I’ve always had before."
​Nuala LC8

"My most recent problem neighbour (there have been 3) has been silenced by management after someone else complained about her noise. Also, I was invited to a party by another neighbour and we've begun planning more events. Lastly, I was able to return a damaged item that I bought online and in its place, I bought 4 items that are much more useful."
Karen LC8

"I had a conversation with one of the trustees from a family account (who has been quite adversarial in the past, cutting my personal budget last year, despite it not having been increased in four years, me living in a foreign country, and my expenses clearly being many times higher than ever), and she almost immediately volunteered to write a discretionary request to have my trust pay for eight different major expenses, a level of support that I haven’t hoped for in 6 years!"
Alexandra LC9

"A little block has unlocked that I've had about being honest and vulnerable around other people. It's made me a lot more emotional which has felt uncomfortable initially but much better afterwards. It has enabled more openness, and healthy boundaries when appropriate. I am a quiet, introverted personality type and this has helped me to be a bit more comfortable talking to other people.."
​Lisa LC6

"I approached a specialist holiday company who were looking for art tutors before Xmas. Someone from the company rang me because I had ordered a brochure but when I told her I had applied as a tutor she said the opportunity was closed but she would pass on my details. The next day they emailed me and requested a zoom meeting. This summer I am now teaching at luxury holiday villas with this award winning company for 3 weeks in Sicily, Tuscany and Andalusia - and-da-loo-sha. I am over the moon."
​Julie LC7

"I noticed how swiftly I communicated my boundaries and put my foot down when anyone is disrespectful. I suit myself more and notice people are more ‘pleasing’ to me. This is so much fun, especially as I used to be such a people pleaser!"
Deirdre LC7

"I started 3 days ago and yesterday I received £3k in my bank account!!
Previously when I’ve received a windfall I felt quite unwell for days, always feeling better in survival-mode of having no money. What I have noticed over the past few weeks is that I have felt stable, quiet, grounded...
So, yesterday I paid off the credit card bill (which I’d run up on Deliveroo - pizza and cake - £1250!!), put the money in my savings account, without the worry of it being for a rainy day, rejoined the Circle and feel ok, not been triggered at all."
​Jane LC8


Inner work will give you a successful life


Inner work will give you a successful life

Create Positive Health, Wealth and Relationship Patterns In 2025

2025 & YOU Course

PLUS FREE Access To The USync Program

Let's Recap Everything You Get:

Total Value £650+

Price £47

2025 & YOU Course

  • Your Physical & Emotional Health in 2025 (Value £57)
  • Increasing Your Positive Wealth Patterns in 2025 (Value £57)
  • Enhance Relationships & Partnership Opportunities in the '8' Energy of 2025 (Value £57)
  • ​​World predictions 2025​ (Value £57)
  • ​Life code predictions 2025 (Value £57)
  • ​​1-2-1 Personal Mapping Session Opportunity (Value £167)
  • ​Ask Me Anything Session with Heidi (Value £57)

USync Program

  • 1 Open Q&A Calls with Heidi (Value £141)
  • ​Access to the USync Program (Value £141)

To get the most out of the year invest before:


What Makes Heidi Sawyer So Different?

Heidi Sawyer is an intuition expert with a form of Mirror Neuron Synesthesia.

Synesthesia is normally associated with people who ‘hear’ colours or ‘see’ sound. Heidi’s form of it means, she feels the world of other people as though it were deeper than her own.

She is able, therefore, to give people a unique perspective. This means she has a skill over and above empathy, natural sensitivity and intuition, it enables her to ‘reach’ into the inner world of others and give them a view of it beyond their fears, self-doubt and logic.

Heidi’s has helped 75,498 Intuitive-Sensitive People understand their sensitivity as their greatest asset.


Q: I'm not sure I'm an Intuitive-Sensitive, is the course still OK for me?​

A: The 2025 & YOU course is suitable for you if you would like an insight into the year ahead and you want to prepare for it. If you are prepared to do x3 meditations over a period of three weeks and put in a few minutes a week to watch the videos, this course will be suitable for you, even if you're not sure you're Intuitive-Sensitive.

Q: I'm not very good at meditations, can I still do the course?​

A: The meditation processes are guided, therefore all you need to do is listen. If you're not very good at visualizing or concentrating, that's fine, it will get better. Numerous studies show there is a huge benefit to meditation because it improves concentration, anxiety and memory skills within a short period of time. Even if you're not perfect at meditation, each process is under 15 minutes which is the optimum concentration time regardless of your skill.

Q: Can a partner or friend get access, too?

A: The 2025 & YOU course is as effective now as it will be through to the end of 2025. We also provide on-going answers & support at no extra cost for a period of 90 days to all course buyers. Therefore if you’re attracted to this topic it is fine to do it regardless of when you found it because what you will learn during this course will still be relevant.

Q: I'm not very good at meditations, can I still do the course?​

A: Yes, a second person can access the content using the same log-in information that will be sent after your joining fee is paid.

Q: How much time will this take?

A: Put aside an hour a week and just press play. You will see a difference in how confident you feel for the year ahead almost immediately because Intuitive-Sensitive People thrive when they have an insight into what to expect from their future.

Q: How long will I have access to 2025 & YOU Course?

A: You will have access to the course for a full 12 months. Those who have completed the course(s) over previous years, have gone back over it a few months later because aspects of their life have come up that matches it. It is designed for you to return to should you need a confidence boost or reassurance you're on the right path.


Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet

Invest in 2025 & You and get 3 months FREE access to the USync Program

This 2025 & YOU Course is provided by
The Heidi Sawyer Group
Providing Intuitive-Sensitive People with Answers & Support Since 1996