I only want to receive money that you feel wonderful about investing. Before making the payment, make a firm intention to infuse the money with an abundance of love, appreciation and gratitude for what you are about to receive. With this powerful intention, I firmly believe your money and your investment in our time together will raise your individual vibration and, as such, the collective consciousness.
I appreciate you for investing in me and my training, and I hope your health, wealth and relationships are inspiring and you receive at least 10x the value you expect, and that it is all returned to you in multitudes.
Content gets released from the 10th of December, weekly at 7pm (GMT+00:00) United Kingdom Time.
The modules are structured video exercise meditations, to enhance your deep learning experience.
This 2025 & YOU Course is provided by
The Heidi Sawyer Group
Providing Intuitive-Sensitive People with Answers & Support Since 1996